Monthly Messages

Message of May 25, 1996

"Dear children! Today I wish to thank you for all your prayers and sacrifices that you, during this month which is consecrated to me, have offered to me. Little children, I also wish that you all become active during this time that is through me connected to heaven in a special way. Pray in order to understand that you all, through your life and your example, ought to collaborate in the work of salvation. Little children, I wish that all people convert and see me and my son, Jesus, in you. I will intercede for you and help you to become the light. In helping the other, your soul will also find salvation. Thank you for having responded to my call."

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Message of April 25, 1996

"Dear children! Today I invite you again to put prayer in the first place in your families. Little children, when God is in the first place, then you will, in all that you do, seek the will of God. In this way your daily conversion will become easier. Little children, seek with humility that which is not in order in your hearts, and you shall understand what you have to do. Conversion will become a daily duty that you will do with joy. Little children, I am with you, I bless you all and I invite you to become my witnesses by prayer and personal conversion. Thank you for having responded to my call."

Message of March 25, 1996

"Dear children! I invite you to decide again to love God above all else. In this time when due to the spirit of consumerism one forgets what it means to love and to cherish true values, I invite you again, little children, to put God in the first place in your life. Do not let Satan attract you through material things but, little children, decide for God who is freedom and love. Choose life and not death of the soul, little children, and in this time when you meditate upon the suffering and death of Jesus I invite you to decide for life which blossomed through the Resurrection, and that your life may be renewed today through conversion that shall lead you to eternal life. Thank you for having responded to my call."

A Random Prayer...

Prayer before Communion - "Divine Master, Spouse of My Heart"

Divine Master, Spouse of my heart, I will follow Thee everywhere with Mary, my Mother. Having Thee, do I not possess all riches? To love Thee and please Thee -- is not that the greatest happiness of life? To share Thy sacrifices, Thy sufferings, Thy death -- is not that the most glorious victory of love? O my God, my mind is made up! I make no more conditions or reservations in my love for Thee. I will follow Thee in all things, yes, even to Calvary! Speak, pierce, cut, burn! My heart is altar and victim! . . . by St. Peter Julian Eymard

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